Thursday, April 25, 2013

five minute button earrings.

Spring is SERIOUSLY coming to Minneapolis. I'm having a hard time believing the forecast. Is there really a seven in front of that zero?! Seventy?! It makes me want to hug Minneapolis again. Because we've been bickering lately.

Spring means flowers means sun means no socks means I needed some new earrings today. 

None relevance.

I didn't have time for super glue to dry so today I present you with button earrings that require zero dry time and probably only five minutes. I might be the laziest.

Five Minute Button Earrings


two buttons with shanks that have fairly small holes
one head pin
pliers (or not)

1. Thread your head pin through the shank of the button and begin wrapping pin around the base of the shank.

 2. Using pliers (or fingers) bend end of eye pin up so as to form the post of the earring.

3. Grab yourself some earring backs and SHABAM. Super done-zo.

P.S. Recently bought the vsco cam app...and I'm like "yeah".

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