
Thursday, September 6, 2012

striped friendship bracelet.

I hope you've had just the loveliest first full week of September! Mine has been filled with a lot of firsts. First night in a new house, first days in new classes, first time making a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks, first time using a new oven, first time successfully getting through the intro to Eminem's hit song, "Lose Yourself". That's right, I can rap that. Only that.

It's still warm here in the MiniApple, so my brain is still in summer friendship bracelet mode. This one's pretty simple. Imma warn you, kids. Come autumn, it's all going to be about knitting, root vegetables, and cinnamon everything.

What you'll need: seven strings (you can use all different colors or double up on some) knotted together at the top.

1. Starting from the first string on the left, make forward knots on each of the six following strings. If you're not familiar with the basic friendship bracelet knot, Honestly WTF has a good tutorial.

2. Move the two outside strings aside.

Using the second string from the left, make four forward knots (you don't knot on the last string).

3. Repeat! So in my case, I would take the outside burgundy string I didn't use in the last row and knot on all the following strings, including the outermost blue string.

That's it!

[Gotta show a sweet pic of my first day of school]

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