
Saturday, July 28, 2012

"yer basic" granola.

If granola eating and/or making was an Olympic sport, I'd win the bronze medal. Give me a few more years, and I'll be on the top of those tiers waving my American flag and singing the anthem. If granola making and/or eating was an Olympic sport.

But it's not. I'll just make it. Granola is the best ever because you can literally put anything you want in it. Seriously, friends. I challenge you to go crazy in the experimenting area. You're going to go make it right now, right? You're not going to buy granola at the grocery store anymore, right?

Not only will I give you a recipe, but I'll also give you some things to ponder while you're waiting for your granola to be done. 

1. Wash your dishes. Oh, you don't pay for water and can therefore indulge in the use of a dishwasher? Whatever.
2. Plan some crafts for your next crafternoon. I'm going to make these earrings ASAP
3. Run over to Zumbro Cafe in Linden Hills, Minneapolis and eat some oatmeal.

4. Listen to Joni Mitchell forever.
5. Admire the fact that you have three 24 qt containers of blueberries in your refrigerator. 

I realize these things only apply to myself. Just make the 'nola, plz.

Basic Granola Recipe

3 cups old fashioned rolled oats
1 tsp cinnamon (plus whatever other spices you want)
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 cups nuts or seeds (I did almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds)
1/2 cup liquid sweetener (honey, maple syrup, agave, whathaveyou)
1/2 cup oil (I use applesauce as a substitute for half of the oil)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup dried fruit (stirred in after baking)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Stir together oats, spices, salt, and seeds.

Add liquid sweetener, oil, and vanilla.

Spread out evenly on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper and bake for 40 minutes, stirring once in the middle of baking time.

Let cool on baking sheet, stir in dried fruit, and store in an airtight container.

Monday, July 23, 2012

in a weekend.

I'm happy to be apart of the "going to the cabin for the weekend" club. I'm not sure if you're aware that every being in Minnesota has a cabin.

My gal pal Laura's cabin was the tops. The shabbiest of chic. Very Danie and very lovely. Please enjoy these pictures taken by my main man, Kevin (and some by me!). They feature my friends and I having fun.

What a brilliant weekend. Off to golf camp! FORE.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

lovely leaves.

Being a camp counselor this summer at a non arts camps has resurfaced the truth about my skills when it comes to sports. I can't play them. Any of them. I'm the counselor that gets help from a ten year old when it comes to learning my forehand in tennis. 

I'll tell you what I am good at, though: friendship bracelets. I have no problem frolicking around the campgrounds sporting my handiwork.

"Danie, how did you make that?!"
"Knots, children. Knots." 

That's right, I'll let them think I'm a master at something for as long as I can. Then when they're ten,  they'll learn how to build a computer and I won't be cool anymore.

So here's a new pattern for you. It's easier than you think it is. If you've got your basic forward and backward knots down, you're golden.

1. You're going to need five colors. Cut them to length and fold them in half, tying a knot at the top. Arrange them in a 54321 12345 pattern.

 2. Starting with string 2 (blue on mine) on the left, make one forward knot (two hitches). Make one backward knot with string 2 on the right. Join the two with one forward knot in the middle.

3. Make two forward knots with string 3 (grey) on the left and two backward with string 3 on the right. Join with one forward knot.

4. With string 4 (green) on the left make three forward knots and three backward with string 4 on the right. Join in the middle.

5. Now using string 5 on the left (orange), make four forward knots and four backward using string 5 on the right. Join in the middle.

That's one leaf done! Now, just repeat using the new string 2. In my case, I would start with green. Repeat the pattern until the bracelet reaches your desired length.

Monday, July 16, 2012

turn off your oven right meow.

It's going to be the absolute hottest this week. That means no oven lovin' around these parts. Instead, I'm going have to get my no-bake on. Let's look for some oven-free treats we can whip up so you don't have to continue being a sweaty mess.

No bake chocolate oatmeal cookies from Oh She Glows.

Strawberry lemon basil soda from Shutterbean.

I think you can figure out how to make chocolate covered bananas. Martha can still help you out.

Homemade iced coffee from A Beautiful Mess.

Make some popsicles like these guys from People's Pops.

Other ideas from yours truly include puppy chow (cold. nom. please), every smoothie ever, Perrier, the world's supply of salad greens, frozen berries, McDonald's ice cream, water, and ice. I hate eating ice.

In other news, gurlz night slumber party went swimmingly. Lists were made, details were told, and never have I ever was played. That game never gets old.

I wish you the best of luck if you are experiencing the same kind of crazy, windy hot weather. It's not too much fun, but just rock that top knot and you'll be fine. Also, consider not wearing a bra for a while (sry, boyz).


Monday, July 9, 2012

you and i, we're the same.

Back in the MiniApple. Please enjoy these pictures of Thrillinois.

Yesterday, for the first time, I made and canned my own jam. Making the jam isn't a huge deal, it's pretty basic. But the satisfaction of knowing your jars have sealed and being able to label the lids? That's major. 
I'm totally geeking out over this blog, Food in Jars. The possibilities are endless! And I'll never have to buy another gift again! AND, please allow me to reiterate the fact that absolutely everything looks better in a mason jar.

There's going to be a gurlz only slumber party this weekend (7th Heaven, braiding, nails, gossip). It's fine. We're not too old. Obviously I have to make something stellar. More news on that will follow.

And guys, don't worry. After only making it two miles through a run because I can't accept the fact that I have shin splints, I made cookies at 8:00 this morning. Get it, Danie.

(saw the Avett Brothers this weekend. Downtown Minneapolis was the background while they performed. Perfection and some downright serious lyricism.)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

let's just eat popsicles forever.

Fourth of July: a time for stealing candy from children, warding off boy scouts armed with water guns, grilling, mildly offensive country songs, and popsicles.

Mostly popsicles. Because in case you aren't aware, it's a little hot outside. Hot enough to consider only consuming liquids and ice for the entirety of the day. Shaina likes popsicles too!

My mom and sister decided to make homemade paper in the 100 degree weather and I was all, "I don't want to be outside, I want to make some damn good popsicles!" I ventured out to get me some molds. Although there is nothing wrong with putting orange juice in ice cube trays, I wanted the real deal.

Watermelon, cucumber, mint popsicles. Refreshing to the max. Refresh city over here.

Watermelon Cucumber Mint Popsicles

Makes four pops.

3 cups cubed watermelon
Half of a cucumber, peeled and sliced.
1 teaspoons chopped fresh mint leaves
1/2 tablespoon honey (agave, sugar, whatever)
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Cube your melon, cut your cukes, get some mint from your mom's garden. Blend up the melon, then push the juice out of the pulp through a mesh strainer. Put the cucumber through a blender as well and filter its juices into the same bowl as the watermelon juice. Next, chop up your mint super fine and mix it in. Stir in your honey, a little bit of water, and some lemon juice to balance it all out.

Pour it in your molds! Stick them in the freezer! Wait four hours and watch the Twilight Zone marathon that's on every Fourth of July!

When you're ready, run the molds under hot water before removing the pops. GET ALL REFRESHED-LIKE. (yes, my molds have straws. yes, this is a good idea.)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

this week's real talk.

  1. Why are people going absolutely INSANE over froyo? Why. Why is this happening. Pro tip: that cup is that big because they want you to fill the whole thing and pay some crazytown amount for it. I spent $1.81 on my froyo yesterday...pride. Real Talk: $1.00 victory cones at McDonald's are always better.
  2. Real talk green monsters aka greens in your smoothie. Don't yell at me, please. They're serious business! It's like eating vegetables for breakfast, they're mega-versatile, and they look super sexy in a mason jar (what doesn't...). I pinky swear it doesn't taste like the leafy greens that sneak in there to make you feel like a total rockstar. Get on these pronto. I hope you don't think I'm insane. green monster movement

  3. I need to start canning. This is a must. 
    • Cheap, super useful gifts
    • Apple butter
    • Real talk, I really just want to say I know how to can things. People that have this skill with straight up rock every storm shelter they ever create. Pickles for days.
  4. The Steppenwolf theater in Chi City is the greatest. I saw Three Sisters this week and loved it. This is Chekhov, people. Granted, it was depressing, but that's just the nature of the play. This production was pretty awesome and kind of really funny.
  5. I'm going to be a girl for a second. Try to look at all these pictures without falling in love with everything about them. Real talk: I don't always think about weddings but when I do, I only think about this one.
  6. New t-shirts. New t-shirts are the real way to my heart. They have to be soft and if they're from the Gap, I die. Maybe I purchased two yesterday because they were on sale...let me live in solid colored t-shirts forever.
  7. Real talk, I just found out that what I thought was Abby Lee Miller's real twitter is fake. This is not good.
  8. I'm going to make a pie crust right now.
  9. Real talk for hot weather:
    • Sweaty feet lead to the worst kind of blisters.
    • No room for oatmeal, it's too hot.
    • No oven usage.
    • It is extremely acceptable to purchase/create upwards of ten different beverages in one day.
    • Extensive salads.
  10. Gift yourself. I bought myself this ring and am way excited. 
Have a great Fourth, lovelies. Remember: it's okay to steal the candy from children. They don't need it.